Safety Advocacy

Successful contractors view job-site safety as the most important consideration in daily operations. They take active interest in both the well being and the productivity of their employees. Properly trained and equipped employees are a necessity in the  modern construction environment of competition, regulation, inventive scheduling and social pressures.

Serious accidents and injuries have real-life repercussions on families, friends, communities and co-workers. They pummel morale and bring jobsite production and profitability to a grinding halt. "Willfull" type incidents are gaining more attention from federal and local prosecutors who have the authority to impose criminal charges against supervisors and owners.To help you, OCA offers consultative and hands-on safety, loss control, and workers' compensation services, covering such topics as: 

  • Safety Planning & Research
  • Safety & Loss Control Program Development
  • OSHA Representation from Inspection through Litigation
  • Member Discount Programs for Substance Abuse & Testing*
  • Legislative Input about Safety Laws & Regulations
  • Training, Education & Certification Programs

* OCA is an approved member of the BWC DFWP Consortium

The following resources are made available to OCA members only. To access them you will need a User Name and Password. 

Click here  for all of the Safety Resources.

For more or additional information, please contact Dave Coniglio
 at OCA.



For More Information: